AML is excited again to work with the Governor’s Office of Infrastructure and the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) to deliver the 5th annual Infrastructure Development Symposium in 2025 to work toward and review progress on federal infrastructure investments. The goal remains to maximize the benefits to Alaska through active engagement and coordination. Held consecutively with the Congressional Delegation’s Grants Symposium, this event was a clearinghouse of information and planning.
The Infrastructure Symposium will feature updates from state and federal agencies, implementation strategies from State officials, and a review of Alaska opportunities. Most importantly, workshops focused on planning efforts and ways to overcome challenges.
2024 Presentations
Tuesday, April 2 Dena’ina Center
8:30 am Registration Open 2nd floor foyer
9:00 am Concurrent Sessions
Housing Summit – Leveraging State & Local Funding Tikahtnu B
Moderated by Carol Gore, board member, CIRI
- Daniel Delfino, Director of Planning and Program Development, AHFC
- Chad Stovall, Regional Director, HUD
- Mark Fineman, Vice President, CIHA
- Erik O’Brien, Program Officier, Denali Commission
- Mike Huston, Board Vice Chair, Housing Alaskans: A Public-Private Partnership
- Dewayne Cooper, Regional Manager, Bureau of Indian Affairs
ErikObrien_DenaliComission_Funding Housing Projects – 4-2-24
DanielDelfino_AHFC_AML Infrastructure_PDF
MarkFineman_AK infrastructure symposium 2024 (3.29.24)
JasmineBoyle_AML Housing Panel
Transportation – Transportation Planning Tikahtnu C&D
Moderated by Britta Hamre, AML
- Regional Planning Initiatives and the Interior Area Plan
- Judy Chapman and Sara Lucey, DOT&PF
- Air, Water, Ice: Old and New Programs
- Becca Douglas, Sarah Cripe, and Sara Lucey, DOT&PF
Infrastructure Symposium Navio 04.2.24
Hyman AK v2 from Template
Equity Planning Presentation
4.2.24 Worksheet
4.2.24 AK Infrastructure Development Symposium_ Corrected
RPO Toolkit for AML
Water and Wastewater – Water and Wastewater Sustainability Tikahtnu E&F
Moderated by Charissa Williar, ANTHC
- Francine Moreno, Department of Rural Utility Management Services, ANTHC
- Charissa Williar, Program Manager, ANTHC
- Chris Cox, Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative, ANTHC
Workforce Development – Statewide System Scaling Kahtnu 1&2
Summary of Workforce Development Convening Outcomes
- Career Guides
- Convener
- Outreach Campaign
WF2030 Infrastructure Summit 4.2.24_Final
Empowering Alaska’s Workforce
240401_April Infrastructure Symposium KW Presentation and Facilitation_vF
Noon Lunch Tikahtnu A
State Agency Updates
Moderated by Shareen Crosby, Office of Infrastructure Investment, State of Alaska
- Katherine Keith, Deputy Commissioner, Alaska DOT&PF
- Curtis Thayer, Executive Director, Alaska Energy Authority
- Akis Gialopsos, Deputy Director, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
4.02.24 Noon Infra Symp State of Alaska Presentation
1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
Housing Summit – Innovations to Reduce Construction Costs Tikahtnu B
Moderated by Colleen Dushkin, AAHA
- Azara Mohammadi, Tribal Liaison for the Alaska National Guard
- Matt Labrenz, Forest Products Specialist at the UAF Cooperative Extension Service
- Calvin Cockroft, COO – Association of Village Council Presidents Regional Housing Authority
- Glenn Steckman, City Manager for the City of Nome
- Shareen Crosby, Office of Infrastructure Investment, State of Alaska
S Crosby 4.02.24 1 PM Housing – Reduce Const Costs
GlennSteckman_3D Housing Presentation
ChrisKolerokBABA PPT – 2023 NCAI Annual Meeting
Alaska Lumber Grading Presentation_AML Housing
Innovative Readiness Training Fact Sheet (Dec. 2017)
IRT How to Apply PDF
IRT AR2022_062323_reduced_file_size
AAHA BABA Comments 12-18-2023
BABA Impacts on Tribal Housing Programs
BABA Draft Comments Template- Public Symposium
Transportation – Financing Options Tikahtnu C&D
Moderated by Britta Hamre, AML
- Sara Williams, Build America Bureau (virtual)
- Betz Mayer, Pacific Northwest Economic Region
- Nikki Navio, Denali Commission
Water and Wastewater – Financing Options Tikahtnu E&F
Moderated by Melody Nibeck, AML
- Robert Chambers, Water & Environmental Programs, USDA RD
- Neverley Wake, US EPA Region 10
- Greg Magee, Rural Community Assistance Corporation
Workforce Development – Statewide System Scaling Kahtnu 1&2
Discussion – strategic implementation
- Wraparound Services
- Job Quality
Rural Alaska Bulk Fuel Summit Tikahtnu A
Facilitated by Katie Conway, Energy Program Manager, Denali Commission (confirmed)
- Current condition of rural bulk fuel infrastructure and forecasted $1B+ funding need.
- The role of bulk fuel tank farms in preserving rural life, health, and safety.
- Economic and environmental risks of tank farm failure.
- Funding resources and other mechanisms to help shore up this critical infrastructure.
USCG Sector Anchorage Presentation
DC Bulk Fuel Summit 2024-04-02
Colt Bulk Fuel importance AML 02Apr2024
AEA BFU Presentation Draft V5_With Links
4:30 pm Adjourn
Wednesday, April 3 Dena’ina Center
8:30 am Registration Open
9:00 am Concurrent Sessions
Housing Summit – Local Action: Regional Planning, STRs, & Incentives Tikahtnu B
Facilitated by Alicia Hughes-Skandijs, Director of Programs, AML
- Kate Huber, Community Development Director, Valdez
- Anna Brawley, Assembly Member, Municipality of Anchorage
- Amy Ainslie, City and Borough of Sitka
- Tyler Robinson, VP of Community Development, CIHA
- Peter Evon, AVCP RHA
Kate_Huber_AML Infrastructure Forum Slides Kate Huber
AML slides Tyler Robinson Zoning (1)
2024-0403 Brawley Assembly Comments Housing (1)
Transportation – Equity Considerations Tikahtnu C&D
- Statewide Equitable Community Connectivity Action Plan (SECCAP)
- James Marks and Judy Chapman, DOT&PF
- Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, AML
- Complete Streets
- Julius Adolfsson, DOT&PF
- Anna Bosin, DOT&PF
Water and Wastewater – Asset Management Awareness and Tools Tikahtnu E&F
Moderated by Melody Nibeck, AML
- Rowan Holyer, Icinfrastructure
- Chris Paine, Icinfrastructure
Water and Wastewater Master Slide
W&WW Funding Financing Opportunities_Apr2024AML
USDA CF & WEP Disaster Repair Grants
icInf AML_1 Introduction to Asset Management April2024_v0.3
2024 CUAP Infrastructure Development Symposium
Alaska Broadband Plan and Implementation Kahtnu 1&2
Moderated by Erin Reinders, Alaska Municipal League
- Thomas Lochner, Alaska Broadband Office
- Lisa Von Bargen, Alaska Broadband Office
- Amy Hankins, Digital Equity Coalition of Alaska
ABO — Infrastructure Symposium 4-3-2024 (R3b 4-2-2024)_Final
Noon Lunch Tikahtnu A
Energy Opportunities and Technical Assistance
Introduced by Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League
- Erin Whitney, Arctic Energy Office
- Erin Reinders, Alaska Municipal League
Infra Sym Energy – Reinders WED
AE Infrastructure Development Symposium April 2024
1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
Housing Summit – Land: Transfers, Trusts, and Collaboration Tikahtnu B
Facilitated by Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League
- Colleen Dushkin, Executive Director, AAHA
- Marya Halvorsen, Koniag
- Randy Hughey, Executive Director, Sitka Community Land Trust
- Matt Mead, Partner, Landye Bennett Blumstein
- Rachel Longacre, Chief of Operations, Division of Mining, Land and Water – Alaska Department of Natural Resources
- Hannah Uherkoch, Section Chief of the Land Conveyance Section – Alaska Department of Natural Resources
AAHA Presentation AML 2024
RachelLongacre_Infrastructure Development Symposium_4.3.2024
SCLT Basics 2024.3.30
Transportation – Rural and Regional Collaboration Tikahtnu C&D
- Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success
- Robert Hyman and Amanda Rogers, USDOT ROUTES Program
- Regional Planning Organizations & Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Katherine Keith, Judy Chapman, and Adam Bradway, Alaska DOT&PF
- Aaron Jongenelen, AMATS
Water and Wastewater – Utility Support and Capacity Building Tikahtnu E&F
Moderated by Melody Nibeck, AML
- Lynn Kenealy, Rural Utility Business Advisor Program, State of Alaska
- Tammy Helms, Technical Assistance Programs, State of Alaska
- Kristin K’eit, Regional Field Manager, Rural Community Assistance Corporation
- Fatima Ochante, Capacity Program Manager, State of Alaska
Alaska Sustainable and Affordable Energy Planning Kahtnu 1&2
Moderated by Griffin Plush, Alaska Municipal League
Energy Landscape & Strategies Panel
- Dustin Madden, ANTHC Rural Energy Program
- Jimmy Ord, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
- Erin McKittrick, Alaska Energy Blog
- Steve Colt, Alaska Center for Energy and Power
- Tim Leach, Launch Alaska
2024 AML Infrastructure Workshop – ANTHC Rural Energy
AML Alaska Sustainability and Affordability Energy
CPRG Planning Intro 4-3
Colt ACEP Decarb 2050 for AML 03Apr2024
April 3 Infrastructure – McKittrick
Launch Alaska CPRG Transportation
4:30 pm Adjourn
Thursday, April 4 Dena’ina Center
Plenary Sessions Ballroom A and B
8:30 am Registration Open
9:00 am Welcome and Overview of Progress
Facilitated by Shareen Crosby, Office of Infrastructure
- Senator Dan Sullivan – video address
- Nicole Borromeo, Alaska Federation of Natives
- Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League
- Luke Bassett, Senior Advisor and Director of Policy and Program Impact for Inflation Reduction Act Implementation, U.S. Treasury Bassett – morning
9:45 am Break
10:15 am Lessons Learned – Applications, Negotiation, Implementation
Facilitated by Erin Reinders, Director of Infrastructure Development, AML
- Robert Venables, Southeast Conference
- Brian Hirsch, Deerstone Consulting
- Anne Bailey, Aleutians East Borough
- Dave Messier, Tanana Chiefs Conference
- Iliodor Philemonof, Calista Corporation (invited)
- Cassidi Cameron, Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District (invited)
11:45 am Break
Noon Lunch
Facilitated by Nicole Borromeo, Director, AFN Navigator Program
- Representative Mary Peltola
- Senator Lisa Murkowski
1:15 pm Strategic Planning – Getting to Deliverables
Facilitated by Teri Cothren, University of Alaska
- Dirk Craft, Alaska Workforce Investment Board
- Jasmine Boyle, COO, RurAL CAP
- Conner Erickson, Director of Planning, Alaska Energy Authority
- Jon Bittner, AKSBDC
- David Beveridge, ANTHC
- Michele Brown, Housing Alaskans
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Upcoming Opportunities – Federal Partners
Facilitated by Shareen Crosby, Office of Infrastructure
- Julia Hnilicka, USDA
- Shirley Kelly, EDA EDA Alaska Municipal League 4 2-5 2024
- Tami Fordham, EPA CCG Briefing 2.6.24 (002)
- Amy Holman, NOAA 2024-04-04 Upcoming Opportunities AML Alaska Infrastructure Development Symposiumn Holman
- Robert Hyman, FHWA Hyman AK Thursday 10 minute on grants
- Jen Adleman and Jhon Kuppens, FEMA FEMAThursApril42024_Adleman_Kuppens
4:15 pm Closing Remarks
- Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League Nils – Closing
4:30 pm Adjourn
* 4:30-8pm Tribal Consultation Alaska Broadband – appetizers included
Friday, April 5 Egan Center
Alaska Grants Symposium Hosted by Alaska’s Congressional Delegation
Egan Center | Anchorage, Alaska
Friday, April 5
10:00am – 4:00pm
More than 40 State and Federal agencies will be represented at the 2024 Alaska Grant Symposium. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to meet directly with those agencies supporting your community, explore current funding opportunities, and discuss ideas for future projects. The Alaska Grant Symposium is free to attend.
State and Federal Agencies Represented:
U.S. Department of Energy
Alaska State Council on the Arts (DEED)
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
National Park Service
DOI – Bureau of Land Management
Denali Commission
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
USDA Rural Development
Alaska Sea Grant, UAF
State of Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection
Alaska Community Foundation
OVW Tribal Affairs Division
University of Alaska Fairbanks eCampus
State of Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Internal Revenue Service/Taxpayer Advocate Service
Alaska Energy Authority
Murkowski CDS Booth
Senator Sullivan Booth
Representative Peltola Booth
Alaska Municipal League
Indian Health Service, Alaska Area Office
Office of Indian Economic Development AS-IA
US DOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
State of Alaska – Alaska Broadband Office
U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Environmental Protection Agency
AIDEA (Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority)
State of Alaska, Division of Community and Regional Affairs
Bureau of Indian Affairs
FEMA Region 10