Active Grants for Alaska
Below is a listing of all current (active) Grant Opportunities. Use the filter buttons to narrow the options based on grant categories, by toggling them on or off.
- Title: Philanthropy Northwest & the EPA Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program
- Estimated Funding Range per Award: $150,000-$350,000
- • Type 1 (Assessment): up to $150,000
- • Type 2 (Planning): up to $250,000
- • Type 3 (Development): up to $350,000
- Title and Number: Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program USDA-NIFA-CFP-010954
- Agency: USDA
- Deadline: FY2025: November 7, 2024; FY2026: October 30, 2025
- Grant Amount: $25,000 to $400,000
- Available Funding: FY2025: $4.8M; FY2026: $4.8M
- Number of Anticipated Awards: Undetermined
- Match Required: Yes; 1:1 dollar for dollar match required
- Title: Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program in Alaska
- Description: This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas.
- Eligible Entities: This program assists qualified applicants who are not otherwise able to obtain commercial credit on reasonable terms Including most state and local governmental entities, private nonprofits, federally-recognized tribes.
- Title and Number: PWEAA2023 -FY 2023 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs
- Agency: Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration (EDA)
- Deadline: Rolling
- Grant Amount: The average size of an EAA investment has been approximately $650,000, and as in FY2023, EDA expects to make investments ranging from $150,000 to $2.5 million, and in FY2024 EDA anticipates making similar sized awards, subject to the availability of funding.
- Match Required: 20 to 50% based on the relative needs of the region. See Table on Page 12 of Notice of Funding Opportunity at:
- Title: Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants in Alaska
- This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water.
- Eligible Applicants:
- Rurally located public bodies
- Nonprofit organizations
- Federally recognized tribes
- Applicants must show that a major decline in quantity or quality of water occurred within two years of the date of the application. Grants are also awarded when a significant decline in quality and quantity of water is imminent.
- Events that qualify as an emergency:
- Drought or flood
- Earthquake
- Tornado or hurricane
- Disease outbreak
- Chemical spill, leak or seepage
- Other disasters
- NOTE: A federal disaster declaration is not required.
- Title: Clean Bus Planning Awards
- Eligible applicants: State and local governmental entities providing bus service, including public school districts and charter schools. Private school bus fleets with an active contractual agreement to serve a public school district. Nonprofit school transportation associations. Tribes, Tribal organizations, or Tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)-funded school. Direct or designated recipients of FTA grants, including state and local governmental authorities, and Tribes.
- Title: Water Grants
- Deadline: Rolling
- Grant amount: Unspecified amount
- Fields of work: Rural Development, Disaster Relief / Humanitarian Aid, Sanitation & Clean Drinking Water
- Applicant type: Government Entity, Indigenous Group, Nonprofit
- Funding uses: Project / Program
- Location of project: United States
- Location of residency: United States
- Funding Opportunity Title: Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $ 175,000,000
- Award Size: $1,000,000 - $10,000,000
- Expected Number of Awards: 25
- Applications Deadline: Nov 21, 2024
- Eligible Applicants: County governments, State governments, Nonprofits, Tribes, local governments
- Title: Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA)
- Eligible applicants: Federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal entities, State or local governments, Institutions of higher education, Nonprofit organizations, Corporations, Limited Liability Companies or Limited Liability Partnerships
- Where: It must promote broadband expansion into a rural community.
- How to apply: Applications must be submitted electronically through
- Match: BTA does not have a cost share or matching requirement.
- Agency: USDA- Rural Utilities Service
- Deadline: Rolling
- Grant Amount: Unspecified
- Available Funding: $247,250,000
- Number of Anticipated Awards: Unspecified
- Match Required: None
- Deadline: Rolling
- Grant amount: Unspecified amount
- Fields of work: Waste Management Sanitation & Clean Drinking Water Water Resource Management
- Applicant type: Government Entity, Indigenous Group, Nonprofit
- Funding uses: Project / Program, Capital Project
- Location of project: Alaska
- Location of residency: Matches: Alaska
- Deadline: Rolling
- Grant amount: Up to US $1,000,000
- Fields of work: Sanitation & Clean Drinking Water
- Applicant type: Government Entity, Indigenous Group, Nonprofit
- Funding uses: Project / Program, Capital Project
- Location of project: Alaska
- Location of residency: Matches: Alaska
State of Alaska Grant Programs
Locating Funding Resources
US Department of Transportation funding opportunities
US DOI Indian Affairs multi-agency Access to Capital Clearinghouse
The National League of Cities (NLC) Funding Opportunities
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