The Alaska Municipal League is excited to announce the launch of the Alaska Energy Hub: a one-stop resource to help connect sponsors of energy projects in Alaska with technical assistance, resources, and project review that includes grant pairing.
Features of the Hub include:
Alaska Energy Project Intake Survey: A tool that helps AML collect and share information about energy projects across various stages of development. By providing some basic details about your project, AML staff will be able to review, pair with federal funding opportunities, and provide technical assistance. We’ll share project information with state and federal funding agencies, provide additional resources, and connect you with technical experts who can assist you in next steps.
- We encourage submission of projects with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so that these can be considered for inclusion in a priority plan for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG), which may enable your project to access the $4.6 billion in funding made available by CPRG implementation.
- The Intake Hub is open for submissions at any time. AML will also follow up with calls for projects specific to opportunities that communities might be interested in. In future phases of the Hub, we’ll be able to provide greater levels of assistance, too.
Project Map: A summary of projects submitted will be available for those considering projects, policymakers, and others to learn about efforts around the state. This might contribute to project bundling efforts, or greater efficiencies in the delivery of projects.
Resources: A place to find some of the energy technical assistance available in Alaska with a basic overview of the energy landscape in the state based on existing Alaska Energy Authority data. This page will continue to evolve as it incorporates new data and becomes increasingly relevant to Alaska communities.
Alaska Energy Ambassador Program: This program provides training and financial support for 12 selected, experienced practitioners from all regions of Alaska to improve energy security across the state. The program will develop regional, place-based, and collaborative energy leadership in Alaska, along with resources and knowledge-sharing partnerships in alignment with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Arctic Strategy and the clean energy transition.
Ambassador applications are being accepted through November 22.
The Alaska Energy Hub is a project of the Alaska Municipal League with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energizing Rural Communities Prize. Future phases should increase functionality and resources available to provide assistance.
Communities are encouraged to submit projects, especially those that might benefit from CPRG funding. We look forward to your feedback, let us know how we can improve this tool to strengthen capacity in the state to pursue funding of projects that are priorities for our members, and critical to Alaska’s communities.