Infrastructure Assistance Pool

Alaska’s Infrastructure Assistance Pool

The engineering and consulting firms listed on this page have experience working on infrastructure projects in Alaska. This list is provided for your convenience, based off of information provided by the firms. Inclusion in this list should not be considered an endorsement by or its partner organizations. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact us at


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BGES, Inc.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
BGES is a full-service environmental consulting firm, headquartered in Anchorage. We provide Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments; lead and asbestos inspections, radon testing, soils and groundwater remediation, air sampling, preparation of planning documents (such as storm-water pollution prevention plans and spill control and countermeasure plans), underground storage tank closures, and other related services.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
We have not conducted significant efforts associated with grants per se, but we have worked on many projects that were the recipients of grants, and we have provided information that was used in grant applications.

For more information on BGES, Inc. – Click Here!

Coffman Engineers

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Our services include:

  • Civil engineering
  • Commissioning
  • Corrosion control engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy Auditing
  • Fire protection engineering
  • Industrial Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Lighting Design
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Seismic Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Sustainable Design
  • Trenchless Technology Engineering

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
Coffman Engineers has provided engineering solutions for a broad range of Alaska clients and industries for over 43 years – from urban to rural communities. Our in-house capabilities include commercial, education, energy, utility, and healthcare industries.

For more information on Coffman Engineers – Click Here!

CRW Engineering Group, Inc.

Types of Infrastructure Development
Roads, Bus facilities, Trails, Boardwalks, Sidewalks Crosswalks, Marine Facilities, Landfills, Housing, Public Facilities  

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Engineering, public involvement, and grant writing team provides planning, design, or construction-management services for urban, rural, and remote infrastructure improvements throughout Alaska

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
CRW has worked to help numerous communities secure funding in Alaska, including Ruby, Kiana, Kivalina, Newtok, Anchorage, Cordova and more. We help clients research state and federal funding opportunities; match priority projects with funding sources currently available; develop graphics and planning level cost estimates; prepare all supporting documentation being requested by the funding source; prepare and submit the final grant application package via the required submittal portal (, grant solutions, or email); and support our clients with grant management and reporting.

Funding Results
Federal and State Government grant funding secured in the past five years for Alaska: ~$50 million

Grant Writers and Planners on Staff – in AK
2 full time – 2 part time – all based in AK

Fee Structure
Standard hourly rate, custom quotes provided at no cost


Bertrand Adams, Native Village of Eyak

Yvonne Adams, Ruby Tribal Council

Nelson Walker, Native Village of Kiana

For more information on CRW Engineering Group – Click Here!

HDR, Inc.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

HDR supports our clients across Alaska and the Lower 48 in winning funding for infrastructure development related to transportation, energy, water, broadband and resiliency. We are at the forefront of policy and grant work related to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

HDR’s skilled team of grant specialists can lead all facets of grant preparedness, creating winning applications to yield the highest possible grant award success, and grant administration. Our team can devise a plan to match critical project needs to potential funding, prepare applications and supporting materials, and assist clients in leveraging relationships with federal decision makers to optimize opportunities for success.

In addition, HDR offers other services required to support program and project development, such as financial planning, strategic communications, engineering and design, environmental clearance, project delivery strategy, value engineering and risk assessments.

We combine our nationally renowned finance and grant prowess with Alaskan technical experts who have designed and built infrastructure projects in large and small communities throughout the state. This multidisciplinary capability enables us to handle a wide range of complex challenges for Alaska.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

HDR employs over 40 grant specialists supported by hundreds of project development professionals, and one of the industry’s largest teams focused on infrastructure economics and finance strategy.

Since 2009, our team has helped more than 95 grant applications win $2.3 billion and 15.4 percent of the total funds awarded nationwide from the Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development (BUILD), Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA), Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program (CRISI), and Port Infrastructure Development (PID) programs.

HDR has won 19 grants and over $100 million for Alaskan projects in recent years, including the following:

  • BUILD grant for the Petroleum and Cement Terminal project in Anchorage. ($25M)
  • PID grant for the Seward Marine Terminal & Freight Dock project in Seward. ($19.8M)
  • The Alaska Renewable Energy Fund (Alaska REF) grant for the Gartina Falls Design and Construction project in Hoonah. ($7M)
  • CRISI grant for the Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC) MP 86.6 Bird Creek Pony Truss Bridge Replacement project in Anchorage. ($3.8M)
  • The USDA Rural Utility Services grant for the Gunnuk Creek Design and Construction in Kake. ($3M)

For more information on HDR, Inc. – Click Here!

Design Alaska, Inc.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Design Alaska specializes in the design of infrastructure and facility systems for Alaska’s arctic and subarctic climates. Our staff live and work in Fairbanks. We understand, as a standard design practice, what it takes to design and construct facilities in Alaska. All our team members have years of experience working in Alaska’s Interior and Coastal communities and have a distinct understanding of the environmental conditions and requirements.

Design Alaska has diverse experience with infrastructure projects:

• Land Surveying: subdivision development, roads, airfields, horizontal and vertical control network, boundary surveys to establish property and right-of-way lines, construction staking and as-built surveys of new water and sewer lines
• Landscape Architecture and Land Development and Planning:
• Utility and Sanitation system improvements: including water lines, wastewater lines, manholes, street lighting, and vehicle/pedestrian networks
• Utilidor utilities: steam, condensate, water, wastewater. Much of this work has been in utilidors but a significant amount is direct buried.
• Fuel storage tank facilities – diesel, liquid natural gas
• Airfield systems: including airport lighting, building facilities
• Roadways: including lighting, utilities placement, warm storage maintenance facilities
• Electrical power plant systems – diesel, liquid natural gas, and coal-fired
• Communications systems: including alarms, phone, broadband

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
Design Alaska has assisted numerous clients with investigation studies and preparation of concept designs, narratives, and cost estimates in support of their grant funding objectives. Services in this area have also included public outreach, graphic design, and charrette facilitation.

Other information on Design Alaska

For more information on Design Alaska – Click Here!

Fairweather, LLC.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

Fairweather, LLC (Fairweather) is an Alaskan company founded in 1976 to initially provide weather observation services to the aviation industry.  Since then, Fairweather has grown to meet the needs of the Alaska natural resource industry, and beyond. Fairweather has over 45 years of experience working in remote Alaska, and has built a company around solving the challenges of working in remote and Arctic environments. Our sister company, Fairweather Science, LLC provides permitting and regulatory compliance, project management, and mitigation project support.  Our combined services include:

  • Drilling Program Management
  • Drilling Support Services
  • Health, Safety and Environmental Support Services (management and training)
  • Logistics & Expediting
  • Remote Airport Services
  • Remote Medical Support
  • Equipment Rental, Storage and Movement
  • Weather & Ice Forecasting Services
  • Remote Communication Systems
  • Bear Guards
  • Permitting
  • Protected Species Mitigation (MMO/PSO)
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Hazard Mitigation Planning

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

Fairweather helps support grant applications with development of project descriptions, purpose and need, and engineering estimates as well as required reporting.

For more information on Fairweather, LLC. – Click Here!

Information Insights

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Information Insights is a woman-owned consulting firm based in Fairbanks with staff across Alaska. For over 25 years, we’ve provided research-based consulting, planning, and business services to clients throughout rural and urban Alaska and occasionally beyond. Our focus is expanding our clients’ capacity to fulfill their objectives through custom research and impartial analysis, strategic and business planning, public outreach and engagement, facilitation services, and administrative and program support.  

We support regional and local organizations engaged in the development phase of infrastructure projects with:

  • Needs assessments
  • Organizational capacity assessments
  • Strategic and resource planning
  • Community outreach
  • Community-led scoping and prioritization of project areas
  • Economic feasibility analysis

We provide these services with a focus on resilience in a range of areas critical to the lives of Alaskans, including clean energy generation, energy efficiency and conservation, broadband, housing, and workforce development.  

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
We have worked with organizations across Alaska on project development and grant writing. We approach grant writing with an eye on the grant scoring criteria and the fit between concept and funding requirements. To do this we take a team approach with the client, listening to infrastructure needs and goals and supporting project design within the guidelines of the funding agency.  

 We have supported clients in accessing 3.5 million dollars through private and federal funding opportunities including: 

  • USDA Community Connect
  • USDA Renewable Energy Development Assistance
  • USDA Rural Energy for America Program  
  • US DOE(Department of Energy) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • NDN Collective 
  • Grassroots International 
  • Alaska Conservation Foundation 
  • Patagonia
  • Conservation Alliance
  • Common Stream 
  • First Nations Development Institute 

For more information on Information Insights – Click Here!


Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Jacobs has long served as a trusted advisor to infrastructure owners and project sponsors by bringing to bear our federal government relations, strategic consulting, and financial planning expertise to help secure federal funding and financing and advance critical infrastructure projects. Now with the passage of the infrastructure bill and an increased focus by our clients on federal and state funding opportunities, Jacobs has expanded the size, capacity, and commitment of its Infrastructure Funding and Grants Team to assist agencies of all types in securing federal and state infrastructure dollars.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
Our team includes experts in federal funding and grant programs for a wide range of infrastructure projects, including all modes of transportation (highway / roadway, transit, rail, active transportation, ports and maritime), water and wastewater, and resiliency planning and implementation. Collectively, we have secured more than $2 billion for our clients from a host of infrastructure grant and loan programs, including the following:
•USDOT Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability
and Equity (RAISE, formerly BUILD / TIGER)
•USDOT Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA)
•FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
•FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
•EPA Water Innovation Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
•FRA Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI)
•USDOT Port Infrastructure Development

We know how to scope a project application so that it aligns with grant program criteria, and we understand how to develop a grant application narrative that stands out from the competition. We also have the technical resources to deliver benefit-cost analyses, equity evaluations, resiliency models, and other analyses that are often required to produce a winning funding proposal. We look forward to working with you to develop your infrastructure funding strategy, take advantage of new federal grant programs, and ultimately to secure funding to advance your projects.

As a supplement to your grant application, our Jacobs Government Affairs team can help advocate for your project with Alaska’s federal delegation and assist in generating meaningful letters of support from stakeholders.

For more information on Jacobs – Click Here!

Kuna Engineering

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Since 1981, Kuna Engineering has been a dedicated provider of infrastructure solutions for rural Alaska. As a subsidiary of NANA North, we proudly hold certifications as a Minority Owned Business and DOT certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. With a comprehensive in-house team, Kuna Engineering is equipped to guide your project from inception to completion. Our extensive range of services includes:

  • Planning
  • Permitting
  • Surveying
  • Environmental assessments
  • Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering
  • Architecture and Structural Engineering
  • Construction Management

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
Kuna Engineering boasts proven expertise spanning all regions of Alaska. At Kuna, we actively support our clients in securing funding for their infrastructure endeavors. Our track record includes numerous successful grant applications, alongside ongoing assistance with reporting and project management for grant-funded initiatives.

For more information on Kuna Engineering – Click Here!

Moffatt & Nichol

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

As an industry leader in port, transportation, and waterfront planning and engineering, Moffatt & Nichol has provided planning and engineering services for Alaskan municipal, state, federal, and private clients since 1973. Since opening our Anchorage office in 2012, the firm has established relationships with many local clients, providing our team with in-depth understanding of the infrastructure unique to Alaskan communities. The high cost of infrastructure can be challenging—especially for smaller municipalities and regional governments. Recognizing this need, we also offer grant-related services, such as application support, for our clients seeking this type of project funding. To date, our services on behalf of clients nationwide have helped them secure millions of dollars in federal grant funding for port, freight, intermodal, and transportation infrastructure, which is our focus.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

Within Alaska, Moffatt & Nichol has assisted clients in applying for state-level transportation infrastructure grants, including Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Harbor Facility grants.

For more information on Moffatt & Nichol – Click Here!

Meridian Management, Inc.

Types of Infrastructure Development
Occupant Relocation, Private & Commercial Construction, Transportation, Telecommunications, Energy, Water & Wastewater, Government Contracting & Facilities (federal, state & local), Healthcare Facilities, Non-profit Construction, Disaster Recovery & Hazard Mitigation.  

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
Our business focus is in providing project and construction management services with an expertise in Owner Representation. Since 1998, our Alaska-grown and -owned company has specialized in bringing value and quality to how a project owner delivers its projects. We act as an extension of the project owner’s team and execute the vision with the owner’s values in mind. We have the ability to scale resources to fit a project’s scope and complexity, from a single project manager to a multi-disciplined team of managers, field inspectors, project engineers and project controls specialists. 

Our staff takes pride in ownership of our work product and specialize in bringing value and quality to how a project owner delivers its projects. We stress the importance of on-site quality assurance and bring with us a toolbox of experience, certifications, and training. Our work reflects our values and commitment to excellence.  

As construction, program and project management experts, Meridian has worked on projects of all sizes for nearly 60 different Alaskan corporations, companies, and organizations, ranging from small tenant improvement projects to $300 million programs. These projects have spanned Alaska communities along the Railbelt as well as rural communities including Dillingham, Bethel, Shaktoolik, Nome, Kotzebue, Galena, Utqiagvik, Sitka, Juneau, and extensive smaller communities surrounding these hubs and have included interdisciplinary teams of architects, engineers and other industry professionals and require multiple deliverables.    

Examples of scope we frequently manage: 

  • Planning 
  • Scheduling  
  • Permitting 
  • Record document archiving
  • Procedures documentation
  • Remodeling
  • Structural upgrades 
  • Power supply systems 
  • Asbestos abatement 
  • Initial design 
  • Logistics 
  • Remote construction management 
  • Business Analysis 
  • Engineering coordination 
  • Fuel line & utilities 
  • Interaction with IBC special inspectors 
  • Manage prevailing wage programs  
  • Public procurements 
  • Ensure bonding and insurance requirements 

For more information on Meridian Management. – Click Here!


Types of Infrastructure Development
Energy & Power, Resilience, and Broadband

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
We provide services for projects from conceptual development through construction, project start up and support operations, covering all phases of the project life cycle. We work with our customers to find the best fit and most economical solution for each project.

We apply our vision to all operations, at all times, in all locations, and at all levels of responsibility. We actively work to align our expectations and behaviors to achieve Zero Harm in our dedication to continuous improvement. These expectations are reflected in our integrity management framework, Safety Management System, and link to our global systems and procedures. We have achieved and continue to maintain an exceptional safety record. By involving safety and removing potential hazards, we deliver projects of the highest quality without incidents.

What We Do
• Engineering & Design
– Civil/Structural
– Electrical/Power
– Fire Protection Engineering
– Instrumentation/Controls
– Mechanical/Piping
– Process/Chemical
• Project Management
• Project Support Services
– Controls
– Scheduling
– Estimating
• Procurement & Logistics
• Construction Support
• Laser Scanning
• Mobile Arctic Production

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
Our Projects are often located in extreme cold and permafrost conditions commonly found on the North Slope of Alaska. These unique environmental conditions demand that our work meet the specific criteria required for facilities and pipelines in Arctic regions throughout the world.

For more information on NANAWorley. – Click Here!


Firm Infrastructure Specialties
proHNS is a Juneau-based consulting firm dedicated to helping clients and communities reach their development goals. We provide civil engineering, design, construction inspection, permitting, contract administration, and grant writing services to private developers, municipalities, and State agencies across Alaska, and recently expanded our services to the Lower 48 on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration.
We specialize in a range of fields, including transportation (highways, bridges, airports, and marine infrastructure), water and wastewater utilities, storm-water infrastructure, trails, and more. We have designed preschool buildings, inspected the construction of residential subdivisions, and managed multimillion-dollar public transportation improvement projects.
Since our inception in 2015, we have grown from a Haines-based company with a staff of two to a firm with more than twenty team members working on projects across Alaska and the Lower 48. proHNS has secured millions of dollars in highly competitive federal, state, and municipal contracts because of our exceptional proposal writing, technical expertise, and reputation for cost-effective services.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska
proHNS was recently brought under contract with the Haines Borough to provide grant writing and special project support in anticipation of Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act funding. Our Creative Director Karen Garcia works in tandem with our technical staff, members of the public, and other project stakeholders to write and design compelling, compliant, and complete grant proposal packages. She is certified by the Association of Proposal Management Professionals and has secured millions of dollars in competitive contracts for our firm. Before joining proHNS in 2016, she worked on a contract basis for the Alaska Arts Confluence, where she secured a National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant.
The City and Borough of Juneau recently contracted with proHNS to assemble content for an Alaska Department of Fish and Game grant that would fund improvements to CBJ’s Hank Harmon Public Rifle Range. For two months, our staff worked with CBJ representatives, the HHPR Board of Directors, the public, and other stakeholders to define the scope of the project, draft conceptual design schematics, develop cost estimates, and create other content for the grant proposal.

For more information on proHNS LLC. – Click Here!

R&M Consultants, Inc.

Types of Infrastructure Development
Surface Transportation (roads, highways), Parks and Trails, Utilities (Water and Sewer, Fuel, Hydroelectric), Ports and Harbors, Airports, Public Facilities

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

R&M Consultants, Inc. (R&M) is an entirely Alaska-based, employee-owned professional services consulting firm. Originally founded in 1969 as a sole proprietorship offering geotechnical engineering for the construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, R&M has grown to a thriving, 100+ person multi-discipline firm. From offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks, R&M provides a full-range of integrated, multi-discipline services to take Alaskan projects from planning to funding to design to construction. R&M specializes in cold regions design, providing innovative professional solutions – for Alaskans, by Alaskans – through uncompromised quality and world class expertise. We have devoted our practice to becoming experts in the environmental and logistical challenges that influence designs in Alaska.

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

  • Lutak Dock Replacement (Haines) – RAISE Grant & PIDP Grant: R&M provided grant writing and strategy development, engineering and environmental services to prepare a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant application. The project was awarded a $20 million grant. As part of the strategy to increase the probability of receiving funding for the Lutak Dock Replacement, R&M also prepared a Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) grant application to fund the first phase of the project at a smaller cost, targeting the “small projects at small harbors” funding set-aside. Because the RAISE grant funded Phases I and II, the PIDP grant was not needed.
  • Grant Programs and Infrastructure Bill Research (Seward): R&M is providing research services for the City of Seward to identify eligible grant funding and low-cost financing sources for Capital Improvement Plan projects and the City’s legislative priorities. R&M is also tracking developments with the recently passed IIJA to better anticipate upcoming grant funding sources.
  • Saint Paul Small Boat Harbor Utility Expansion, ARPA Economic Adjustment Assistance: R&M provided grant writing and environmental services to fund water, sewer and electrical extensions at the City of Saint Paul’s small boat harbor. R&M’s environmental staff drafted the environmental narrative for the application, a standalone environmental document required under this Economic Development Authority grant program. Award announcements are pending.

For more information on R&M Consultants – Click Here!

Nortech, Inc.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

While Nortech does small (lodge scale) water/wastewater work, we typically get involved in larger infrastructure projects through hazardous materials identification, demolition design, and identification/management of contaminated media. We have done this work on every type of infrastructure project as most projects these days are upgrading/replacing and existing facility, including water/wastewater treatment plants, road realignment/rehabilitation, bridge replacement, etc.

Nortech does not directly receive grants for work. Most of our grant-related work has been with Brownfield grants from ADEC and EPA to eligible organizations. We occasionally work with organizations on the preliminary scoping of their work and then do the work to reduce the hazard(s) so that new development can be started.

Nortech’s specialized experience managing hazard identification and demolition during any project puts the redevelopment project on the right foot at the beginning and allows the rest of the design team to focus on the new construction.

For more information on Nortech – Click Here!

Solstice Alaska Consulting, Inc. (SolsticeAK)

Firm Infrastructure Specialties
SolsticeAK provides services that include grant writing, environmental planning, permitting, documentation, NEPA, and public involvement for clients throughout Alaska.

Firm infrastructure project specialties include: Water & Sewer, Energy & Power, Resilience, Transportation

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

Beyond helping secure over $100 million in funding for Alaska infrastructure projects, SolsticeAK also supports projects with environmental consulting services. SolsticeAK helps infrastructure projects get ready for construction, plans ready for implementation, and programs ready for operation. SolsticeAK has supported capital projects to build renewable energy systems, roads, bridges, port facilities, parking lots, recreational facilities and trails, drainage, solid waste facilities, and other structures all in Alaska.

For more information on SolsticeAK – Click Here!

SGV International

Types of Infrastructure Development

SGV International is a leading telecommunications, IT, and cybersecurity engineering and integration firm specializing in building networks, optimizing operations, and addressing complex digital challenges. Our clients range from remote Alaskan villages to national carriers and major energy companies, and we provide tailored, high-value solutions that enable safe, efficient, and cost-effective operations. Since 2005, SGV has been committed to delivering customer-focused telecom engineering, project management, and consulting services across Alaska. We are a licensed engineering firm led by highly experienced local telecommunications experts. Our Alaskan team includes 40+ employees based in Anchorage with numerous Engineers, Project Managers, and Telecommunications Consultants, supported by an additional 80+ team members across North America, all equipped to work in diverse environments, from urban offices to remote industrial sites. SGV is currently engaged with clients across Alaska in federally funded broadband infrastructure projects, where we apply our in-depth knowledge of grant compliance, supply chain logistics, and domestic procurement requirements to support successful project execution in the state’s challenging terrain.

Firm Infrastructure Specialties

  • Telecommunications, industrial operations,
  • Smart, connected operations
  • Digital optimization
  • Cybersecurity
  • Workforce Development
  • Business Consulting and Analysis
  • Infrastructure Engineering, Design, and Assurance (Fiber Optics Cabling, RF Engineering (LMR, PTP, Cellular), LEO / VSAT, Technical Review)
  • Project Management & Delivery Procurement, Construction & Installation
  • Owners Representative Services, Construction QA/QC, Inspections
  • Commissioning/Decommissioning
  • Document Control/Information Management
  • Managed Service Support
  • Incident Response and Disaster Recovery

Experience Helping Grant Applications in Alaska

We are actively engaged with several clients and projects across the state who have or expect to receive federal grant funding for broadband infrastructure deployment and understand the unique project challenges associated with supply chain and domestic preference for procurements. Our Tribal Engagement and Government Affairs Director, Emily Dodge, has written nearly $200 million in successful broadband infrastructure grants for Alaska, many of which were for Tribal applicants. Our team of engineers is well versed in developing and executing grant funded projects, one example of which is the Iliamna Lake Regional Broadband Project for SALMONet and the Igiugig Village: Since 2020, SGV has been working as an Owner consultant, Owner Engineer, and project delivery team for Igiugig Village Council (IVC) and SALMONet leadership and their related communities to plan and construct Fiber to the Home in the Iliamna Lakes region.

Please contact Emily Dodge at edodge@sgvinternational to learn more!