• Agency:  USDA- Rural Utilities Service
  • Deadline:  Rolling
  • Grant Amount: Unspecified
  • Available Funding: $247,250,000
  • Number of Anticipated Awards: Unspecified
  • Match Required: None

Purpose of Funding (fields of work and funding uses):  Grant funds will be made available to qualified, rural applicants to pay for necessary expenses related to water infrastructure systems damaged by events that occurred during CY 2022 and were recognized through Presidentially Declared Disasters.

Eligibility (location of project and entity): Municipalities, counties, districts, authorities, or other political subdivisions of a state, commonwealth, or territory, nonprofit organizations, federally recognized Tribes, community-based prefabricated home organizations

Applications: https://rdapply.usda.gov/

Link to more information: Calendar Year 2022 Disaster Water Grants Program | Rural Development (usda.gov)