Alaska Community Equity Measures
Below are the most recent statistics available for this Community. If you are working on an application for federal funding, you can copy and paste the text from the narrative directly into your grant application.
Anchorage – Dimond/Southport
Census Information
- U.S. DOT statutory definition of rural areas:
- 2020 Census via Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development:
Federal Disadvantaged Status
DOT ETC Disadvantage Components
- Transportation Insecurity: No
- Health Vulnerability: Yes
- Environmental Burden: Yes
- Social Vulnerability: Yes
- Climate & Disaster Risk Burden: Missing Data
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool:
- U.S. DOE Energy Justice Mapping Tool:
- U.S. DOT Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer:—State-Results/
Other Federal Designations
- U.S. DOT Areas of Persistent Poverty & Historically Disadvantaged Communities:
- State of Alaska – Alaska Qualified Opportunity Zones:
- HUD Qualified Census Tracs and Difficult Development Areas:
- HUD Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities:
- HUD Qualified Census Tracs and Difficult Development Areas:
Economic Data
- Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development via Denali Commission Distressed Communities Report 2022:
The community of Anchorage - Dimond/Southport is not considered disadvantaged by the Climate & Economic Justice Screening Tool. The census area is not an area of persistent poverty. The census tract is not an area of persistent poverty.
13% of the population of the tract is American Indian or Alaska Native. 32% of the population of the tract lives below 200% of the Federal Poverty Line. Anchorage - Dimond/Southport reaches the Department of Transportation Equitable Transportation Community disadvantaged threshold in the the Overall Disadvantage, Health Vulnerability, Environmental Burden, Social Vulnerability and Climate & Disaster Risk Burden categories.
Additional Description Methods
Other ways to describe disadvantage:
Include information about your community that you know that others may not, such as:
- Are you on the road system or not, and how much does it cost to get to Anchorage or Seattle?
- What does a gallon of milk cost, or gas, or other grocery items?
- What are the effects of climate change that you are experiencing – flooding, sea ice retreat, extreme storms, or permafrost thaw?
- Is there anything you could say about kids or students in your community, and opportunities they have or not?
- What about jobs or lack of jobs, businesses in your community?